Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Foreign Relations Between America And China - 1421 Words

Jimmy Ji AAS 390 â€Å"How would you rate Xi Jinping’s visit to the US (Sept.24 25) on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is ‘utter failure’ and 10 is an ‘unqualified success’? Provide detailed reasons in support of your answerâ€Å" On September 25th, 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping made a state visit to the United States in a gesture meant to reciprocate United States President Barack Obama’s trip to Beijing last November in 2014. The visit served as an opportunity to bolster US-China relations and cooperation among a variety of global and bilateral issues, endeavoring to close their discord and strive for progress. It also served as a strategic move to improve the relationship between America and China so that they stay on track with their Bilateral Investment Treaty negotiations. The two leaders both addressed issues such as China’s alleged cyberespionage, military relations, people to people exchange, and China’s act of intimidation in the off the Alaskan coast. Moreover, Xi Jinping intended to meet with American tech leaders with a desire to boost the economies of both nations. The question at hand is the measure of success this visit and to what extent it lived up to its intention of â€Å"expanding and deepening cooperation†. If I were to put this visit up to a scale of 1 to 10, I’d rate it a 7/10 which is what I’d like to call â€Å"success with caution†. There are many aspects of the visit that I believe greatly improved US-China relations. On the other hand, there are gray areasShow MoreRelatedRelations Between The United States And Mexico1218 Words   |  5 Pagesrelationship between the United States and Mexico have never reconciled because of Mexican Wall. Latin America will not be a priority in the external relations from the White House in the coming period. In fact, to this point of U.S foreign policy with Latin America, Mr. Trump has no idea about it. 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